Former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni filed a criminal case on January 5 against his former business partners in a sports enterprise, Aarka Sports and Management Limited, for allegedly robbing him of Rs 15 crore.
According to the report, a case has been filed in Ranchi court against Mihir Diwakar and Soumya Vishwas in connection with a 2017 commercial agreement.
Diwakar allegedly secured an agreement with Mahendra Singh Dhoni in 2017 to build cricket academies throughout the world in the cricketer’s name. However, according to the lawsuit, Diwakar reportedly failed to meet the terms of the agreement, which included the establishment of a cricket academy.
Furthermore, according to the agreement, Aarka Sports was obligated to pay the franchise fee and split earnings in the ratio specified, but they did not follow all of the terms and conditions, according to the lawsuit.
Following this, Mahendra Singh Dhoni revoked the authorization letter from Aarka Sports and submitted various legal notifications to Aarka Sports on August 15, 2021.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, represented in Ranchi Court by his lawyer Dayanand Singh, claims that Aarka Sports defrauded him and that he has lost more than 15 crore. Meanwhile, Simant Lohani, Dhoni’s buddy (Chittu), filed a case against Diwakar, stating that he received threats and insults from him after Aarka Sports was sued.
The sports firm’s website, which has a large photograph of Mahendra Singh Dhoni as its cover picture, claims to specialise in athlete and player management. Aside from that, it claims that the sports company offers “top-class consultancy.”
Other instances of fraud faced by Indian cricketers
One of the recent fraud cases happened and the prominent cricketer Rishab Pant was caught in this web of fraud by Mrinanak Singh who defrauded Pant for 1.63 cr in the year 2020-2021 by impersonating himself as a cricketer or high-ranking police officer from Karnataka.
Umesh Yadav, an Indian pacer, was reportedly duped out of Rs 44 lakh by a friend-turned-manager under the guise of acquiring land in the former’s name in Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Former Indian cricketer and noted commentator Aakash Chopra has filed a suit for alleged breach of trust against shoe merchants Kamlesh Parikh and his son Dhruv Parikh. Chopra alleges he was misled by the Parikhs into investing Rs 33 lakhs in a sports shoe firm.